Build your own precice seismometer with spectrum analysis

Month February 2019

Beta version V0.1 of seismometer based on Raspberry Pi, ADS1115 and SM-24

The beta version V0.1 of the seismometer is based on the Raspberry Pi. The ADC is a ADS1115 analog-to-digital converter with a resolution of 16 bit. The geophon is the SM-24 geophon. This version is still very simple and only… Continue Reading →

Setting up MC, NFS, PostgreSQL server, PASCAL IDE, tools, bus interfaces and overclocking

Now we are going to setup the Raspberry Pi with Midnight Commander (MC), the Network File System (NFS), the powerful PostgreSQL server, a PASCAL IDE, some tools, I²C and SPI. Hereafter, PC means a PC with a LINUX operating system,… Continue Reading →

Preparing the Raspberry Pi for SSD, SSH and RDP

Since of its limitation the ESP32 solution was no longer pursued. Looking for a more powerful alternative, the Raspberry Pi became the first choice, as it was used before in robotic projects. The Raspberry Pi offers many advantages and possibilities:… Continue Reading →

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