The first version of the seismometer is based on the micro controller ESP32. The ADC is a ADS1115 analog-to-digital converter with a resolution of 16 bit. The geophon is a SM-24 geophon from Sensor Nederland B.V..
The ESP32 is a 32 bit micro controller loaded with a lot of utilities. The version used here is a board based on the SX1276 LoRa chip produced by Heltec Automation. It contains WiFi (802.11 b/g/n), Bluetooth and LoRa (2.6 km distance range) communication, onboard 32 MByte Flash, WLAN antenna, blue OLED display, CP2102 USB/serial chip and some sensors.
Price for ESP32 SX1276 LoRa version with OLED is around 24 Euro (AMAZON).
The SM-24 is a low-distortion geophone, which offers very high performance in seismic exploration with an extended bandwidth from 10 Hz up to 240 Hz, allowing full bandwidth at 2 ms sampling, and with one of the lowest lifecycle cost of ownership in the industry, installed base of over 14 million worldwide.
Termination of SM-24
For the connection between the SM-24 and the ADS1115 the following resistor circuit is used. The 1kΩ resistor in the middle is a calibration resistor according to its data sheet in order to flatten the response curve. The other two 1kΩ resistors, leading to the ADS1115, are for current limiting, in case that the output voltage is larger than the maximum input voltage of the ADC. Even if the output voltage is 10V, which is much higher than the usual output of several mV, the current would be limited to 5mA, which doesn’t destroy the electrostatic discharge diodes (ESD) of the ADS111x analog inputs.
Is the ESP32 the best solution?
In principle, one could develop the seismometer with the ESP32 as the main control unit. There are mainly three reasons, why in the next approach a Raspberry Pi was used, and the ESP32 was no longer used:
Neither the Free Pascal development team (fpc) nor Embarcadero (Delphi) offers a PASCAL compiler for the ESP32 system. Since the main routines for interrupt programming, SQL handling, image processing for live data and spectral analysis should be handled in PASCAL, the absence of a PASCAL compiler or a PASCAL IDE is hampering the project.
No SQL server
The is no SQL server, especially no PostgreSQL available for the ESP32 system. For this project a data base, which contains the data for one month, is targeted. If the geophone is sampled with 500 Hz (2 ms sampling) this makes around 43 million records per day or around 1.5 billion records a month. It makes no sense to save such an amount of data in an ASCII, HTML or XML file, as we want to be able to abstract data for a given range quickly. So an SQL server is a reasonable solution.
No SSD support
The SQL database for one month of data has a size of around 120 GB, and the SQL server writes every second data in the database. So an SD card would be to small, slow and permanent writing is harming the card. A good solution is a 256 GB SSD, which is fast, needs very few power, has no rotating parts (which would disturb the measurements of the geophone) and is big enough. Unfortunatly the ESP32 system has no support for an SSD.
If you still would like to test the ESP32 system by yourself, you need to install the ARDUINO IDE for the ESP32, here you will find an instruction. After installing you can simply use the following sketch (sketch = Arduino name for a program):
#include "WiFi.h" #include #include const char* NETWORK_SSID = "SEISMOMETER_WIFI"; const char* NETWORK_PASSWORD = "test123"; const char* NTP_ADRESS = ""; const char* NTP_TIMEZONE = "CET-1CEST,M3.5.0/2,M10.5.0/3"; const int OLED_SCL = 15; const int OLED_SDA = 4; const int OLED_RST = 16; // OLED U8X8_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_SW_I2C display_SSD1306(OLED_SCL, OLED_SDA, OLED_RST); // ADS1115 Adafruit_ADS1115 adc_ADS1115; const float ADS1115_VOLTAGE_FACTOR = 125.0 / 1000 / 1000; // SM24 const float SM24_V_M_S_FACTOR = 28.8; time_t current_time; struct timeval time_info; struct tm local_time; struct tm* p_local_time; char buffer [64]; int previous_second; int frame_counter; int fps; void setup() { int i; // Init display display_SSD1306.begin (); display_SSD1306.setFont (u8x8_font_chroma48medium8_r); display_SSD1306.clear (); display_SSD1306.setCursor (0, 0); // Init WiFi WiFi.mode (WIFI_STA); display_SSD1306.print ("Starting wifi\n"); WiFi.begin (NETWORK_SSID, NETWORK_PASSWORD); // Connect WiFi i = 0; while (WiFi.status () != WL_CONNECTED) { delay (500); display_SSD1306.setCursor (0, 1); if ((i % 2) == 0) { display_SSD1306.print("/ "); display_SSD1306.print(i); } else { display_SSD1306.print("\\ "); display_SSD1306.print(i); } i = i + 1; } display_SSD1306.print("WiFi connected\n"); //Init ntp time display_SSD1306.print ("Getting time from\n"); display_SSD1306.print (NTP_ADRESS); display_SSD1306.print ("\n"); configTzTime (NTP_TIMEZONE, NTP_ADRESS); display_SSD1306.print ("NTP ready.\n"); if (!getLocalTime (&local_time)) { display_SSD1306.print ("Failed to obtain time\n"); } else { display_SSD1306.print (asctime (&local_time)); display_SSD1306.print ("\n"); display_SSD1306.clear (); } adc_ADS1115.begin (); adc_ADS1115.setGain (GAIN_ONE); } void loop() { int adc_Value; float voltage; float m_s; gettimeofday (&time_info, NULL); current_time = time_info.tv_sec; p_local_time = localtime (¤t_time); if (p_local_time->tm_sec > previous_second) { previous_second = p_local_time->tm_sec; fps = frame_counter; frame_counter = 0; } frame_counter = frame_counter + 1; // snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%d" ":" "%02d" ":" "%02d" "." "%03d" "\n" "%d fps ", p_local_time->tm_hour, p_local_time->tm_min, p_local_time->tm_sec, time_info.tv_usec / 1000, fps); snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "Seismometer"); display_SSD1306.setCursor (0, 0); display_SSD1306.print (buffer); adc_Value = adc_ADS1115.readADC_Differential_0_1 (); if (adc_Value < 0) { adc_Value = -adc_Value; } snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "ADC: %d ", adc_Value); // display_SSD1306.setCursor (0, 4); // display_SSD1306.print (buffer); voltage = adc_Value * ADS1115_VOLTAGE_FACTOR; snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "V : %7.4f ", voltage); display_SSD1306.setCursor (0, 5); display_SSD1306.print (buffer); m_s = voltage * SM24_V_M_S_FACTOR; snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "m/s: %7.4f ", m_s); display_SSD1306.setCursor (0, 6); display_SSD1306.print (buffer); delay (500); }
19.11.2019 at 18:28
hello i’m rahaditya alif naufal from indonesia. I am working on my final project with the title “detecting earthquake vibrations using a geophone sensor” and the project above is almost similar to the title of my final project. may I ask for references above for my final project? thank you
20.11.2019 at 09:32
Dear Rahaditya!
Of course you can reference my project and link to my Internet site.
All the best for your project, let me know when you are finished.
Best regards,
24.05.2020 at 06:35
Dear Juergen,
Interesting work. Congrats!
I just wondered if Raspi here boots from SD card and then writes data on SSD? Does your code sit on microsd card ?
The thing is that Raspi Zero does not boot from SSD 🙁
And, as for timing, a veru crucial issue for synchronized recording, if we have a Raspi running as Stratum 1 NTP server with 1 pps signal of GPS would it be possible to record geophone data with absolute time stamps?
25.05.2020 at 09:45
Dear Alireza!
Booting the Raspberry from a standard SD-card is fine. The reason for the SSD is the amount of data written to the storage drive all the time and the data written by the SQL server for maintenance like indices and so on.
The complete code and the operating system is sitting in the SSD on my Raspberry Pi.
If you have a GPS module, you can use it to record the geophone data with absolute time stamps.
The GPS might give a little bit better time resolution than a standard internet time server.
Best regards,
07.10.2020 at 16:35
Dear Jürgen,
I just saw your post and while you had multiple reasons for not using the ESP32 the first reason is not completely true anymore: FPC now has (experimental) support for ESP32 and ESP8266 ( ). 😉
While it might not yet be trivial to implement your Arduino sketch in FPC it’s at least in principle possible now.
With kind regards,
Sven (FPC compiler developer)
08.10.2020 at 10:10
Dear Sven!
Thank you for this information.
If I start a new ESP32 project, I will consider that seriously, for this project the ESP32 has not enough resources.
Best regards,